Be Bold

I was thinking about what I should share today…. so many things swirling around in my head and  I needed direction, so I knelt down to pray to ask what I should share and immediately after addressing my Father in Heaven it came to me.

I am calling this entry, “Be Bold” because I believe that’s what I am being taught to do; to share what might be uncomfortable, vulnerable, joyful and soul stretching but also hopefully inspiring. 

So here it is; A few days ago, I sent an email to some friends with some suggestions of things to do. Things that I have done that have brought about some amazing changes in me. 
Some of these people are on my business team and some are not.  A few are very close and others may not seem as close but are tethered somehow to my heart and soul. You know what I mean, right?  I consider them all friends. Even so, it’s still sometimes scary to share with others things that are having a profound influence on me, without worrying that others will think that I am weird or presumptuous or whatever. But I am doing it anyway. I’m being bold. I know my intentions are pure and I feel so blessed to be learning so many beautiful truths and I am moved with a great desire to share with others. The empowerment , peace , joy and freedom I am feeling is something I know God wants ALL people to feel. 
Here are the 3 items to accomplish; 
1. Read ” As a Man Thinketh” by James Allen. Write down or type up TWO of your favorite quotes from the book to post in your bathroom or office. 
 its not a long book, I read it in one evening. 
2. Listen to the audio book called “How to Manifest Abundance in your Life” ( learn the law of attraction) link
Write down a 2-3 things that resonate with you. 
3. After doing the previous items; Consider and Write down the following; 
   a. If you could do anything, the thing you most enjoy ( for work) , what would you do or are you doing it already? 
   b. If you had the means to give back to the world in some way, what would it be? 
   c. What do you do that makes you happy and fulfilled? 
   d. Name 3 Things on your bucket list – DREAM
A very cool thing is happening to me. As I use tools like these, and seek to discern the parts that are truth, I am becoming more of who I really am which allows me to see others differently too.  I loved people before.. but now, my consciousness is expanding in a way that allows me to have a glimpse ( a very tiny one, I’m sure) into the love God has for people, individually. I am not perfect and I know I fail at this sometimes, but I think it’s happening more often that not and I am grateful. This is what sets my soul on fire… helping others see the truth of their worth and power to create a life of love and purpose. 
Of course I use oils through out my journey… clary sage, frankincense, Motivate, Forgive , Cheer, Solace and Passion are some that I use to enhance my learning and support healing.  Contact me to find out more