Feeling Stuck?

Feeling a little stuck today. Do you ever feel that way? You want to move forward, help and serve people, tell others what amazing things you are learning but how do you tell them? That’s why I created this blog.  To move forward, to make a difference somewhere, with someone , some how. Even if this only inspires ONE person .. it will be worth it.

So here is the message of the day ~ You were meant to make a difference! So do something small or do something Big each day to share your light with others.

Today I started by “filling my own lamp”, by meditation with Louise Hay, using my beautiful essential oils, reading from the Epistle of James, saying a prayer of gratitude and asking for strength and help to know how I can be more of my true self today than yesterday. I served by helping at a youth summer camp. I decided to hug everyone I met, even if I didn’t know them before today.

As I reflect back on the day, the TRUTH is  I AM moving forward. I did LOVE others and shared my LIGHT with them too.  Reflect on your day and see what good you did too! Not feeling stuck anymore!