The Power of Food

Here’s my lunch today!

Image may contain: food

I’ve been eating more of a plant based diet for a week now. Only two bites of meat during this past week. Not because someone told me to but because I have felt drawn to the truth and power of whole food.  I am not in any way saying that meat is bad. However, it does take longer to digest and much of it has been altered.  It is said that we should eat meat sparingly and I have been pondering what “sparingly” means in this regard for awhile now.  I have been seeking more knowledge and “journaling” inspirations related to food.  You’ve hear the saying , ” you are what you eat” , right?  Well, this is just part of my journey to seeking truth.

It started several years ago. There’s an ebb and flow to my learning and my commitment. But here I am again, trying to learn more about proper nutrition, eating more nutrient dense foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. I’m not perfect . I’ve eaten a couple things that weren’t probably the best things for me. But I don’t feel restricted because I haven’t told myself I can’t have this or that. I am more present with my food and  my choices. I  try to listen and feel the truth of what my spirit and  body want or don’t want. I’ve been thinking a lot about the power of food …. for good or ill.
Just before this past week began I wrote down the following inspirations. I hope they will resonate with someone. 

The Power of Food

Truth is pure, full of light and high vibration. Obviously these are things that are good for the body and soul.
If food were truth it would have these same properties- pure, full of light and high vibrations therefore it would be good for body and soul. But what makes truth ? Or what makes something TRUE? It is the source – whole, universal and applicable to all. Closest to God and the divine.
This inspiration helped me understand in a deeper way than ever before,  that food closest to its natural authentic state is the food best for humans. It is more pure, full of light and high vibrations. It has the power to cleanse, clarify, strengthen and infuse a human body with true nourishment and Freedom!

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

While considering this , I must also consider the opposite. If there are false foods – they must have the following properties ; impure, adulterated, dark and low vibrations. These are foods that have been changed from their natural state to meet the standards of men rather than the standards of Truth. They have been corrupted and thus lose their truth, light and high vibrational energy. They are addicting and degenerative to our bodies. These foods can keep us numb to truth -causing cloudiness of mind and the truth of who we are meant to be and become. They make us unhealthy which limits our ability to think clearly or have the capacity to move and grow physically strong.  These foods cause cravings and keep us in bondage by limiting our ability to think and act authentically.   What does Authentic mean? To me, authenticity is the root or truth of who we are. It is us when we are thinking and behaving in alignment with our true source,  our Creator, God , or Heavenly Father, as I like to call Him. 

I am a child of God. He wants me to be connected to Him. He wants me to hear Him. He wants me to be happy.  He wants me to Live my purpose and mission.  He wants me to be strong and clear minded so that I CAN! 


I can’t leave this message without sharing my wholehearted belief in and witness of the power of Essential Oils.  They are plant Power! Just like true food, when they are pure, unadulterated, they are a powerful concentrated source of support for the body, mind and spirit.  If Good food carries high vibrational properties , then this power is compounded and magnified in Pure essential Oils!  My favorite brand is doTERRA. I feel God’s love each time I use them.  He wants us to be healthy and capable to carry out our individual purposes. Mine is to share this message with the world.  doTERRA’s is to educate people so that there is ” A Healer in Every Home.”