Lessons from a plant and painful tooth….

Last week I was cleaning around my kitchen sink where I have a couple plants sitting. One plant was positioned between the wall and the window and seemed to stretch and yearn to reach the light available through that window. For just a moment this little plant seemed to speak to me, saying , “See, I just lean into the light. This is how I am nourished and grow.”  To me this little plant became a teacher and a reminder of a few things;
1. All things in nature show us how to live in harmony.
2. Nature understands the importance of water, light and the need for constant nourishment.
3. Most importantly nature just trusts that ALL will be provided and seeks constantly to remain in alignment with all that is available.
4. When it does not have proper light, water and nourishment, it’s earthly physical existence will end. But the remainder of it’s energy is changed to something else yet is always purposeful.

These thoughts moved me to think , “How do these truths apply to us?”

Of course, we know that we as humans have a higher level of thinking and intelligence. Yet, the wisdom of the life of a plant is a teacher to us. The following is a quote that came to my inbox today which also made me think and ponder more about who we truly are.

“We do not need fixing. The core of our being is not broken. We humans are simply out of touch with our selves and out of balance. And, by extension, our homes and world are out of balance because we are. Not the other way around.”-Your Spacious Self

Let me try to share this wisdom in a another way….

My husband is in significant pain right now due to a problem with a tooth.  The question I have for you is, ” Is this problem really outside of him?”  As humans we have a tendency to  blame our pain of this sort on drinking too much soda, sweets or  maybe poor dental hygiene habits or even poor genes.
But is the problem really an external problem??? I don’t believe so.

In this case, as I believe it is in most, this is a matter of  personal choices that are in alignment with truth.  The truth is that he could make better choices, ones that protect him from this pain and ones that help him achieve and maintain better oral health and wellness. Choice or in other words,  Agency is at the core of our purpose here on earth. To see if we will do all things that are in alignment with our creator, God.

I believe we are sent here to discover, own and develop the divine within us ;the truth of who we are, how are bodies are designed to function and the need for our spirit, intuition and divine knowing to be in charge.
Image result for quotes related to knowing

We have inside us a blueprint of divine perfection. This is not the superficial perfection the world tells us about.  This means of perfect understanding and perfect health; a balance between mind, body and spirit.   Many of us are trying to nurture and access that blueprint through constant light and nourishment and choices that make us better inside and out. Many of us are just blind or ignorant to truth, relying on ideas and thoughts and influences in our world that may not be in alignment with actual truth. And most of us, even if we know truth, give in to the temptations and teachings of this earth. This is our purpose… to overcome the “natural man” and become more and more like our creator.

So how do we know? How do we discern what is truth? Maybe this can be a topic I explore in my next blog entry. But for now, I will go back to the lessons of my plant and the painful tooth.
Here is what I understand from the core of my being; ALL things denote there is a God; nature and even pain. All Things….Everything in this world is designed to turn us to our Savior Jesus Christ and to our Heavenly Father. They are the source of truth and Light and constant nourishment.  We are to be humble, to recognize our nothingness without them and our Greatness with them. Heavenly Father loves us so completely and truly, that ALL things direct us to HIM. We have been shown the  the life and example of Jesus Christ and can even “know” through a simple plant or the  allowing of pain and sorrow in this life.  He wants us to trust that ALL things are provided through Him, if we just allow it.  His intent is for us to have perfect knowledge,health and happiness!
It is us tuning into the core of us that is not broken. It is getting in touch with our own divinity, mind, body and spirit,  where we feel true peace, happiness and lasting joy.
I have discovered some of the “Gifts of the Earth” in essential Oils. A Few of my favorites for balance and alignment are the grounding blend called “Balance”, Lavender, Frankincense, Cedarwood and Cypress. If you would like to learn more about these oils and how to buy them please visit www.facebook.com/debdiyhealthcare or www.mydoterra.com/debdiyhealthcare.
Feel free to email me personally at djwescott4@gmail.com